Dignify 2021 tickets on sale now!

Join us at Dignify 2021 at The Bedford, Balham and help make a difference!

Once again, an enormous humanitarian crisis is beginning to engulf the people of Afghanistan. They have suddenly had to leave their homes with next to no possessions. Their futures are uncertain. Many will be hungry.

We want to see a world where all refugees can lead a life with dignity. That is only possible with huge amounts of humanitarian aid to cover their essential needs and to help them rebuild their lives.

The best night out

After the last 18 months, we are all itching to have some fun together once again.

We have a fantastic live music line up including our brilliant patron Ian Shaw, top acts Catching Cairo and Gracie Convert plus 3 up and coming bands Solar Strides, S.O.L. Collective and Karma Sheen.

Blingo, the totally unique and hilarious Hip Hop Bingo, are guaranteed non-stop laughs.

And as if that wasn’t enough we have a DJ until 1am!

The money we raise will be vital.

In the UK we are supporting the Afghan refugees the government is resettling here with essential food and hygiene items.

We have also spent the last 2 years in Cyprus helping refugees from Africa and the Middle East and just opened a new free food shop for .

Later this year we will be in Greece offering emergency aid to Syrian refugees with no government assistance. Before the end of the year we also anticipate helping those Afghans who will have managed to make it to Greece.

Join us at the Bedford for a great night where we can  – FINALLY! – come together and show we care.

Early bird tickets are £75 each and in the unlikely event that we need to cancel because of Covid or any other reason we will offer you a FULL REFUND.


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