Volunteering is a deeply rewarding experience—and one that comes with lots of benefits, including boosting your CV. Giving up your time and energy to help refugees and asylum seekers says a lot about you as a person: your values, skills and work ethic.
Share your achievement with your network and potential employers by adding your Refugee Support volunteering experience to your LinkedIn profile. Here’s how:
- Log into your LinkedIn account.
- Beneath your bio, click on “Add profile section”
- In the box that pops up, click on “Additional” and “Add volunteer experience”
- In the form, under Organization, start typing “Refugee Support Europe” and you should be able to see and select us.
- Add all relevant details about your role and the dates you volunteered. Include as much information as possible about your experience, such as what you did, the challenges you faced and overcame, and things you learned.
- Click “Save”, and you’re all set.