Hey, we’re off to the USA!
Following our successful talking tour in the UK last year, we’re delighted to be expanding our audience by taking the tour to the US next month!
When co-founders John and Paul found out that they’d be talking at the Devex conference in Washington on 12 June, they thought ‘why not go one step further’ and organise a tour, as it would be a great opportunity to spread the word about our work a little further, and to share what can be achieved by people helping people. So they have!
Following the Trump election, we saw an increase in volunteers and donations from the good people of the USA, and continue to receive strong support from people from the USA. We want to build on this relationship, and are excited to be spreading awareness to the further corners of the globe.
Tour dates:
2 June Washington
6-7 June New York City
9-10 June Minneapolis
12 June Washington
16 June Atlanta
If you think you can help with another date between 3-28 June, please contact Paul on paul@refugeesupporteu.com
Live from LM Village
In February, we said farewell to Filippiada and LM Village, as we turned our focus to the newly opened Katsikas and Tumbru camp (before we were we were forced to withdraw from the latter.)
This week, however, after a four-month break, we’re delighted to have returned to LM Village, where we will once again be offering aid with dignity to refugees at this tiny, secluded camp.
Susan, John, Tini and Olly arrived at the camp last Thursday to survey the camp. In a display of astounding man (and woman!) power, they speedily stocked the shop in time to welcome first customers on Monday. Greeced lightning indeed! Great job guys.
If you’d like to volunteer at a refugee camp, we can offer you plenty of opportunities to help refugees in Greece. Contact us to find out more about how you can get involved, and check out our volunteer stories for more insight into what the experience is like.
Staying Informed – What we’re watching
This week, we’ve been watching the first episode of Burma with Simon Reed.
The new two-part series follows Simon into Myanmar (Burma) as he navigates through the country, and tries to get to the root of the raging Rohingya crisis.
Burma is a beautiful country as this documentary illustrates, but to say that it is troubled is a gross understatement. Travelling to Bangladesh, Simon meets the refugees who have been suffering at the hands of the crisis that has been looming for decades, and who are now trapped in the largest refugee settlement in the world.
We thoroughly recommend this watch for anyone who wants to learn about the contentious history of the Rohingya crisis, which extends far back in time, and shows no signs of ceasing soon. Staying informed is one of the first steps towards making real change.
You can see Daniel Mendies, Sean Angus MacKinnon and Shannon Ongaro making a distribution at Tumbru camp at 45 minutes in.
To celebrate their anniversary on 22 June, our partners Martin Searle Solicitors are throwing a party in Brighton to raise money for refugees – and it sounds fabulous!
Tickets are £12 and include lots of musical entertainment, food and a free glass of cava or prosecco.
They’ll be displaying a collection of Refugee Support photography on the night, and Paul and Chloe, Martin Searle’s volunteer, will be around all night to talk about all things Refugee Support. Stephen Silverwood from Refugee Radio will also be compering the evening.
Whether you’re a volunteer, a person of business, or just somebody who just wants to help refugees and enjoy a good party, join them to celebrate and make a difference. The invitation is open to everyone!
Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you next time.
Please contact us today at info@refugeesupporteu.com if you would like to help refugees, or just want to get in touch.
Refugee Support